Tuesday, August 02, 2005

funeral homes
jewish funerals tend to be closed casket. catholic ones, at least the wakes, tend to be open caskets. the only other funeral i've been to in my life, besides the two these last two weeks, was my grandmother's. that was a cremation. and her casket was open, then closed, then very quickly, suddenly and forcefully shoved into the kiln/oven whatever it is you call it. very scary and traumatic.

i'm off topic. i went to the wake today. open casket. he looked ... weird. he had so much makeup on. he looked like a wax sculpture. i don't know why they do that. make them look so ... weird. would he look really dead otherwise? well, that's ok. better than looking ... unreal. i'm pretty sure this is the first time in this man's life that he's had makeup on. why?

enough with the dying business, ok, god? can we go this weekend without someone dying, particularly someone's father?

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