Thursday, August 11, 2005

brain funk
i cannot concentrate. i'm going to drop out of law school and get married and stay home and make babies and be barefoot in the kitchen, pining away for my husband all day. because thinking and pining away are apparently all my brain is good for. BAH! who cares about the essential facilities doctrine. or noerr-pennington sham exception. i can't even get the two straight in my head right now! i am so useless.


noirah said...

I have to say that raising a child is far more intellectually stimulating and challenging than the five years I spent trying to deconstruct post-feminist theory on the construction of identity as it relates to class struggles in American academic culture. Shaping a slug into a man of strength, substance, and intellectual curiosity, without sacrificing his or your own drive, is no small task. Relax and enjoy law school. :)

hap said...

I hope I did not come across as condescending towards mothers and women who aspire to be mothers. I was writing out of hormonal impulses. I spent the day being unproductive and thinking about men ... men, or boys perhaps, upon whom I crush. I do not doubt that raising a child is challenging, and in some ways more difficult than deconstructing the whatever in the whatchamacallits. It's not law school that gets in the way of my life; it's my emotions. Thanks for grounding me in reality!

noirah said...

I didn't mean to come across as though I thought you were coming across as condescending. :) In fact I've noticed that our age group (along with certain societal shifts) has flipped around the classic "non-child having professional vs. stay-at-home mom" condescension equation. I guess we've seen too many 40-somethings grasping at fertility. Anyway, I meant that it's hard work chasing this little dude around the living room while grappling with the huge questions of humanity that come with raising a child. Sometimes I feel like I should go back to grad school so I don't have to think so much. Or at least so my thoughts would have less weight.

Oh and remember, boys have cooties.

hap said...

You didn't make me feel anything at all. (That, perhaps, is an overstatement.) I just wanted to clarify my post. I probably shouldn't have done it after going out drinking. :) Your project in humanity looks happy and healthy and ridiculously delicious. I can't wait to meet him, cooties and all.