Sunday, August 13, 2006

A Potential Triad of Crappy Things to Happen In One Day

A Potential Triad of Crappy Things to Happen In One Day. And Stuff.

1.) A pigeon pooping on your head.¹
2.) Someone walking in on you in the bathroom stall.²
3.) Catching the bouquet at a wedding.³

One of these things didn't happen to me yesterday.

¹And shirt, and skirt.
²If you're going to knock, then wait for an answer before yanking the door open.
³Yes, I am that girl.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A few thoughts and observations from the weekend / wedding:

* I heart weddings!! They are such joyful celebrations of love and relationships and of God bringing two people together. And even though marriage isn't easy, from what I hear, and no normal people actually expect them to be, there's also something joyful about the challenges that a married couple will face. It's an adventure two people choose to take together, and the rewards are so great. Joyous!

* If you're going to flirt with a girl, and then find another girl to flirt with, it is not becoming to then call girl 1 at 4 in the morning under the premise of making sure she got home safely an hour ago whereas really you blew it with girl 2 and are desperately grasping at a hookup straw. Still, this is slightly less gauche than flirting with a girl for hours and then dropping the "I'm engaged bomb."

* Chicago is a fantabulous city. I went to Pilsen yesterday - the Mexican neighborhood - and walked around their cultural fair. It was small and modest. But it was really cool. I ate a paleta. Thankfully my friend was there because without him, I would have walked away with a coconut paleta when I hate coconut and I was asking for something in red.

* People who live in LA are funny. A few weeks ago, my friend from LA was surprised when I walked 8 blocks to meet her. Yesterday, my friend from LA looked at a map and was surprised to find that three blocks was only a five minute walk. Before he moved, he told me, he lived two blocks from work. It took him 20 minutes to walk those two blocks.

OK, that's enough verbal vomiting on this blog for one day.

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