Wednesday, October 04, 2006

To Her

To Her

I don't know you. You spoke to me, but just barely. I don't like the way you were scoping me out and being all confrontational like. It was weird, but in retrospect, kind of made sense. I don't hate you. I don't really blame you. It's note your fault. You did nothing wrong, besides the slightly odd behavior at the party. It's kind of his fault. It's also his and his fault, too, but you don't know them, and they're my baggage. I may never like you, but you have to understand that whatever you're feeling, I feel it, too, and maybe even more. And if it were anything less, I would probably hate him and probably do my best to befriend you, because you probably are cool. But not this time. This time it's different. Still, I am your sister and you are mine, and besides trying to look fabulous every freaking day, I'm going to try not to get in your way. I'm going to try not to step on your toes. I'm not going to kick you in the head, even tho' I can. I'm not going to like you, but I'm not going to hate you. I'm not going to get in your way and subvert your relationship, because I believe in everything in due course, and I believe in respect for other people; I believe in supporting other people's relationships, no matter how my heart feels about the matter.

This is a ride, not a fight.

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