Friday, January 27, 2006

This weekend is our annual school-organized ski trip. (The last time there was an organized overnight ski trip, I was in high school; yet another way law school is just like high school.) I didn't go last year. Wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole. But this year, I tried to adopt a new attitude, which led me to sign on to this adventure. At the very least, I'll be driving myself and three friends, all the five hours to the resort. I'm quite excited to get away, to not think about work very much, to try snowboarding and maybe cross-country skiing, to get away from my apartment b/c it's 1:30 a.m. and my neighbor must have having some raucous sex b/c she's making my floor shake. Anyways, I might fall behind on my work, including the 20 page draft of my note that's due in a week, but who the fuck cares. Without this break, I might drop out before spring thaw.

I gave a tour to prospective applicants today. All two of them. Trying to sell the school made me remember that I do like this institution. But when I don't have that external reminder, all I do is wallow in how miserable everything is. Wallow on top of wallow on top of wallow.

This weekend, I'm going to try and limit my angst to figuring out where to find my morning cup of coffee. I'm so tempted to bring my own coffeemaker.

I'm thinking of renting a cabin in Maine for my birthday weekend, which happens to coincide with a long weekend in April. It is a long weekend that only this state celebrates. If you're reading this and are interested, you are totally welcome to come. I will need lots of hand-holding as the age-meter ticks up again.

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