Tuesday, September 06, 2005

day 1: complete
My abbreviated schedule for today: interview, interview, class, swim class, interview, interview, class. Started at 9am, finished at 5:45. Hit up a reception at school for some snacks and an end-of-day aperitif. Mmmm. Then my classmate's wife came to school to pick her up. (Oh, you read that sentence right, my friends. If you haven't caught on yet, I do live in Massachusetts.) And I got to see their brand new squiggly squishy adorable tasty yummy baby. And then they went home, which is exactly how babies in my life should be (i.e. going home with other people).

You know, my interviews today, not so bad. Two I would say were ok, and two were eh. (I tend to be conservative with my adjectives when it comes to things like this.) But all better than most of my interviews in the spring. And, dare I say it, I had FUN. FUN WAS HAD BY ME! I had the same attitude after moot court. I was all scared and then I ended up having fun. The interviewers are real people too, many of them are alums of my school. And all my interviewers were chatty interesting people. It was nice to start off my first interview with a dude who talked for about 15 minutes, blew sunshine up my ass about my resume, and then gave me a post-it cube. Seriously. Sunshine up butt and office products. Could the day get better?

I think a big part of my confidence was wearing my power suit. And by power suit, I mean it was really expensive. I think I look good in it. If you missed me in it, don't worry, you have the next two days and then next Tuesday and Wednesday to catch me in it. But the shoes. Oh the shoes. Ouch. I could barely stand up when I got home at 7pm tonight. Ouch. I'm such a sellout.

On a final note of summary ... my swim class kinda sucks. Have you ever seen the start of the Iron Man triathalon, or any triathalon for that matter? You know how the mass of people all take off at the start and go nuts and the water looks like it's full of hungry piranha feeding on many fat cows? That's about what my swim class looked like today, as we were swimming in the diving well, all 4700 of us in 5 lanes. When I told the instructor my time, though, she was impressed (that a fat cow like me could swim at even a moderate pace). I took the class with her all of last year, so she kind of knows me. I think the class will get better. We're supposed to move to the main pool next week, and people tend to stop coming (last semester, that was me).

Ok, that's it for now. I'm almost done researching my firms for my interviews tomorrow, and then I have this pesky little thing called homework...

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