Friday, May 28, 2004

update 4.13
i don't know why i haven't really been writing much here. kinda busy, i guess. my parents have been away, and i've had to take care of stuff for them. like on tuesday i sat around all day as these electricians hooked up some cameras and music stuff at the club. wednesday i did jack. and then thursday i had to shop for fruit and then worked all afternoon and tested for my deputy black belt. successfully, i might add, with a few bruises to boot. next: black belt eek! i never thought i'd make it this far. i'm really bad at pursuing things long term. today, i've run around again, into the city, battling afternoon traffic to pay my parents' mortgage. then fighting holiday traffic out of the city on my way to buy liquor for the club. and then in a few short tens of minutes, i'm off to work at the club. thank god my parents come home tonight. i'm always left with too much responsiblity when they're gone. like having to fax a copy of some food handlers' certification my father got over a decade ago to some lawyer because of some violations they're in court for. life is so much simpler when it's just me. unfortunately, they're going away again in like 10 days.

so not much else is going on. it's memorial day, and according to npr, 6 million people are taking to the roads for the holiday. i was one of them, unfortunately it wasn't for holiday. i am going to seattle and vancouver in three weeks. hopefully i'll get to check out the new downtown library and sci-fi geek museum (not it's official moniker) in seattle (can't be bothered to post links). and then some outdoor shit in vancouver and environs. maybe in the next week or two i'll take this rock climbing course in new paltz, with a friend. i get all giddy just thinking about doing outdoor shit. maybe it's because i'm not going to be at camp. maybe because i've realized it makes me happy. maybe it's just because i like the gear. in august, soon after moving to boston and going to wedding 1of3 for the month, some friends and i are going to maine. FIFTY baby. i know i've talked about all of this. but this is all the news i have, all the things i'm looking forward to.

i'm also looking forward to june. may has been kind of a long month, my first full one back in this country. maybe that's why it's felt long. with june comes the more reasonable concepts of apartment hunting and packing. i've already had a few suitcases packed for the upcoming move -- sweaters and winter stuff mostly -- and people have kinda looked at me funny.

today as i was driving into the city, i was following this giant tractor trailer. as it was making this turn towards i-78, its rear wheels went up on the curb. but it kept going. unfortunately, as he rounded the corner, he kind of ran into this cement wall -- this was also a highway overpass, if you can picture the low wall i'm talking about. it went over the wall, nearly took out a lampost, loudly blew out a tire, and thankfully returned to the road rightside up. i was kinda shaken up watching this. good thing those trucks have like 47 tires.

i guess that's it for now. this long post kinda makes up for not posting much for so long. not that it matters since as far as i know, i have an audience of one. a well-loved audience of one.

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