Friday, September 01, 2006

I'm Crazy, Not Stupid

I'm Crazy, Not Stupid

Home. I know it's my home because all my creature comforts are contained within these walls. My bed, my internet connection, my couch, my books, my underwears. Tomorrow I am leaving on my last adventure. Yeay, Montreal! There were some kinks in the plans, but I think everything will be ok. We have a place to sleep, a fun van ride, homework to do, knitting to knit. :) And then school. I am thinking of applying for a research assistant position. I kind of wanted this last year to be easy, but I really enjoy being an RA. We shall see. The professor I want to work for is wicked popular. And smart. He will probably see my resume and see straight through to my incompetence.

Camping was fun but it rained a lot. Then last night, when I got home from camping, I met up with lots of old friends. Graduate school (part the first) friends who are engaged and married and have babies. Well, *a* baby. Then I met up with TKD friends.

I feel so much love for these old friends of mine. But sometimes, I feel a complete lack of things to say. I can babble on and on and on with some people, but if I haven't seen someone in a while, it's almost like there's too much to say, so I say nothing. But it was so good to be around them. A lot of my graduate school friends have continued into the medical profession. That was an especially nice change of pace. Oh, and coq au vin is tasty.

I think I got home around 3:30 am. Meant to drive home but passed out instead. Probably for the best. Now, my last trip. Simultaneously relieved and saddened.

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