Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I've just realized that not only do neither my current university nor my last university have a football team, but the main buildings I live/lived in at these universities also have/had horrible elevators. Where can I go next that satisfies these two criteria?

I've decided to limit the stuff I say about my personal life / romantic feelings / struggles on this blog. I think I've done a fairly good job of keeping this anonymous, so that no one doing due diligence on me would find me, but ... I already edited a bunch of stuff earlier this summer in anticipation of letting more people know about this. I don't want to have to do it again. Especially it seems as more and more people are reading this. It's an interesting thought, eh? I mean, I wonder how many people really think about how much they're going to reveal about themselves on their blogs? A friend I had lunch with yesterday recounted to me an article he read. In it, the writer predicted that in 30 years or so, a candidate for political office is going to be toppled by his/her facebook profile. Probably.

Although I personally may have lost a job offer because of this blog, I can be pretty damn sure it won't ruin any runs for political office. I have far too many skeletons in the closet for that.

1 comment:

noirah said...

Wanna jump right in and comment but I think I'm missing some backstory here...