Monday, May 16, 2005

dreary spring
if this is what spring is like, give me winter back. oknowait. i was kidding. but today, it's rainy and cold and barely 50 degrees. sucks.

i've been really enjoying the freedom of post-exams. went to church yesterday. first time i've been in the new building, which is grossly inconveniently located. spent the day in cambridge with a friend trying to work on our writing competition but really we just talked the whole day. it was great. we ended up at this coffee shop near harvard square and this couple and two older men -- a dad of each, i think, -- were sitting next to us. one of the older men started talking to us and my friend and i both looked at the other man, just to sort of scan the group, you know? and we were both like, hey! wait! my friend thought it was peter jennings, but it turned out to be chuck scarborough, the channel 4 local news anchor in new york. AND I WAS SITTING NEXT TO HIM! it was so exciting.

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