Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Jim Wallis
From Jim Wallis' book "God's Politics: Why the Right Gets it WRong and the Left Doesn't Get It"

The most popular presentations of religion in our time (especially in the media) almost completely ignore the biblical vision of social justice and, even worse, dismiss such concerns as merely "left wing."

Neither religious nor secular fundamentalism can save us, but a new spiritual revival that ignites deep social conscience could transform our society.

From the Boston Globe Interview

When you say you care about the poor, or want to protect the environment, or challenge a nation's decision to go to war, they say you're "left wing" - even though those convictions come right out of the Bible. I care about poverty because the Bible requires an evangelical Christian like me to care about poverty.

Now, there are other issues where I dissent from the left pretty strongly. I talk a whole lot about the importance of family and marriage, and the breakdown of family life being a critical issue -- especially for poverty. Now, I don't blame gays and lesbians for the breakdown fo the family. I once got [Dobson's] Focus on the Family to admit that it's [happening] because of heterosexual dysfunction. You can be pro-family and pro-gays and gay rights at the same time.

And abortion is a serious moral issue, and pro-life and pro-choice must come together to try to dramatically reduce this terrible abortion rate by focusing on teenage pregnancy and adoption reform, and supporting lower-income women economically. There is so much that we can do for solutions, not just symbolic litmus tests on the right and the left.


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