Saturday, February 15, 2003

ok, i'm going to do it. i'm just going to sit here and write and update about what has been going on.

like i've said before, i'm in the middle of the scuba section of my course. and like i've said, it's not going that well because i suffer from some very bad motion sickness. i don't know if i want to go all the way and get my dive control specialist certification, but the one thing keeping me in this game is this damn crush i have on my scuba instructor. his name is andrew. he is 23. i know, i know, enough of the younger men. but, i have already decided "NOT TO GO THERE", as one of my friends said. because, well, first of all, if anything were to happen, how miserable would i be when i left. second of all, i've got to stop acting on every impulse and feeling and emotion. it usually just causes a lot of trouble for me, so this is going to be a long-awaited exercise in self-restraint. god help me.

in other news from the homefront, they did take in another boarder. a 22 year old chinese guy named peter. and he's straightup from china, here to study english. he failed his first test. dorkus. i don't think i'm going to like him very well. he chews with his mouth open. god i hate that.

the other thing i've noticed recently is the total acceptance of single parenthood and kids out of wedlock. it just seems like no one gets married here. i can't tell yet if it's a product of the people i've been around. but everyone just has a "partner" (and that doesn't mean homosexual) and they often have kids, starting at a very young age. a friend of a friend, i was told, has three kids, at 23, all with the same guy. hmm.

i guess that's it for now. it's sunday, and i'm heading to the beach, after i have a feed because my tummy is hungry. tomorrow we go on another dive, so it's up at 6am, before the sun!

love yous!

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