Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Tivo Edit
I'm thinking of taking Desperate Housewives off my Tivo. It's a ridiculous show, and I don't think I really enjoy it. It's just a bunch of people making stupid decisions to melodramtic ends. And you can tell what's coming to the characters b/c they are caricatures of their worst characteristics. Oh, I suppose the word I'm looking for is predictable. Yes, I think I will take it off my Tivo. I've never been a big fan of soap opera like shows.

Perhaps this freed up hour will let me watch every Lost episode 2x, because it's chock full of mysteries!

1 comment:

noirah said...

I don't know if it was just a novelty thing that drew us to the show in the beginning or perhaps it was a little better than it is now. But it has become this weird and weekly joyless experience for us. I mean it's obviously not a gritty slice of life drama or an edge-of-your-seat mystery or even a very successful satire. So if it's a high budget, hour-long soap opera sitcom, then we need someone to root for. But nothing doing. A show can lack a little depth if it has cleverness and vice versa... but there's nothing here. It's a vapid mess that I think we're ready to abandon too. I just can't figure out why we have watched for so long. It reminds me of Sex and the City. It's time to start standing up for what's right. Reruns of The Office that I've already seen offer more humor and surprise than new episodes of Desperate Housewives. I quit.