the anything posti'm kinda tired of seeing that last post on here, so lemme just fill this space with some words, something, anything.
i went rock climbing at the gym today with a friend who hasn't been in several weeks. she was having some trouble overcoming her fear and getting to the top. while it's perfectly ok not to make it to the top, it's hard not to have that goal in mind when, well, it's right there. but today, she was ab-fab and made it to the top on three separate occasions. i was amazed. it wasn't just like she took one step forward from where she was last time; it was an improvement by leaps and bounds.
i was pretty stoked, too, because i did this overhang climb that i had some trouble with the last time i did it. but today, easy peasy, went right up it. i amazed even myself.
i love climbing. i love spending three to four hours at the gym not worrying about work or studying. i love our new gym. it's still so shiny and new and, because it's summer, rather underutilized. except the pool. sometimes, at the pool, total chaos. no one knows which way to swim, or even common, basic courtesy. oh well.
so ...
moltmannian reminded me of this thing called the
wayback machine which, i guess, crawls through websites and archives them for posterity's sake. it was thus i found an old blog and spent the better part of the morning reading someone's old blog that is no longer accessible through the original server. (again, i call it due diligence thank you very much.)
my blog continues to be self-involved, selfish, inane and makes me sound rather dumb at times. i don't really care. beats writing about the profundity of a dying parent every week.