Sunday, July 31, 2005

addendum to the anything post
i do so love hanging out at the gym and relaxing and not worrying about studying. but ... if it's inevitable, i have to say, i'm looking forward to the start of school. i have that same anticipatory giddy feeling in my chest that i used to have when i was a kid. maybe it's just the potential of new pens and clean notebooks and new textbooks that gets me excited. of course, in college, that feeling usually faded after a few weeks when i fell very very behind on my reading. but that wasn't the case in my first year law school. maybe my schoolgirl crush is making me feel like a schoolgirl and making me forget that i actually go to law school. aka hell school. aka sink or swim school. ahh, i remember college. i don't think i turned a single paper in on time in college. there is no such nurturing in law school, but i'm also old enough to not need it. and anyways, i don't take notes by hand anymore, so i don't that school supplies are really what's exciting. maybe it is just the prospect of learning. i am learning this summer, but antitrust doesn't turn me on as much as, say, environmental policy or family law. ooooh. maybe it's just the structure i'm looking forward to. maybe i'm just lonely and can't wait to see all the familiar faces again. nah, that's probably not it. maybe i just want to haze and scare the bejeezus out of the incoming class. heh heh.

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