Saturday, December 18, 2004

drunk posting -- a new pasttime
i don't remember leaving the previous post. i was out celebrating the end of my property exam on thursday night, came home quite drunk, and did lots of shit, like ate, and drunk posted. (at least it wasn't drunk dialing.) last night, i had the decency to pass out before i could do any of that shit. ohhh man. last night was a little sloppy. i'm not sure why, but sloppy enough for me to wake up and call last night sloppy ... for reasons beyond just feeling hung over. the foreign grad students had a party last night. i've seen them around, sat in class with them, but never really hung out with them. i think that milestone has been crossed off my list. europeans. and asians. oh it was so much fun! like studying abroad, or living abroad, or traveling abroad, without all the jet lag, expenses, and fun of customs. i just don't know when i stopped keeping track of what i was drinking.

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