Sunday, December 05, 2004

digging up old pains
two years ago, i happened to have several people in my life who were first-year law students at nyu. i was just finishing up my graduate degree, and i had already realized that grad school was kind of easy. i was working, i was training, life had routine, life was pretty good. and then these 1Ls came into my life and kind of threw it all off. i'm realizing that's part of what is making this period of my life sort of painful, because that time ended up being kind of painful. i mean, two years ago new year's, i was blubbering drunk in a bathtub and ... well, long story but you could look up my old post if you want. so i'm a little stressed, but not too bad, but it's watching the people around me freak out that's sort of making it hard and hurtful. but now that i know this, hopefully i can put it in perspective. i'm not getting blown off because i suck, but because the other person is just freaking out. i just wish i could do something for them, but then i'm afraid they'll just take that kind of action as being annoying and distracting them from studying, so off i go into my own little corner, studying and living until this time passes. life is weird.

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