Friday, August 03, 2007

Pit Stop Blog

I just spent four days at the Cape, and am now home for the night before I catch two buses to go to the shore. Let me tell you a little bit about what I'm going to do this weekend, and you might understand why I am STILL awake, fretting about what to pack and how to pack it and clipping my toenails and plucking my eyebrows.

I am going down to spend the weekend with the boy...and his grandparents, his brother, his brother's best friend who also happens to be an ex-girlfriend, his mom, and probably some uncles and cousins...if I'm lucky. There's nothing really special going on; he is just a family guy and normally spends a lot of time down there. There may or may not be some big party on Saturday night. It's a bit unclear b/c he kind of mentioned some big family get-together party that coincides with some road race through town, and he's trying to play this off as not a big deal, but let's face it, I'm meeting the family and it's kind of a big deal. Because if it doesn't go well, it's not good. (On the other and, if it does go well, it's not exactly sealing any deal. Sounds an awful lot like a lose-lose situation....)

Anyway. My question to you is ... AM I RELIVING THE SUMMER OF 2006??? Just without the big fat paychecks and the endless nights out on the town, and the two- and three-timing. But more or less, this is my life last summer ALL OVER AGAIN. Yeesh.

If this doesn't work out, I'm dating an orphan next time.

If you've got any happy thoughts left over from the bar exam, please send them this way. At the very least, I seriously hope I don't get any more sunburned. I'm feeling quite warm already. but I've never been so excited about a tan line before. I normally don't care to be tan - during the course of the summer, I naturally darken from my assorted outdoor activities. But last week, I looked at myself and realized that I am pasty! Pasty yellow! So I kind of made it my mission to get tan this week at the cape. Done and done!

Ugh, I need to get to bed. Don't need bags under my eyes too!

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