Sunday, May 14, 2006

Done Part the Second!

Done Part the Second
Finally, I've turned in my tutorial paper!!!! My original deadline was Wednesday, then Friday, but I ended up turning it in at 2amish. Sunday. Oh well. Clearly the instructor doesn't care or I wouldn't have done this. But yeay, I'm done!!!! I freaking hate footnotes. I had about 180 of them. It was a 28 page paper, in 12 Times New Roman, double spaced. Oy! This was the first paper I have ever written with footnotes. Weird. Anyways, this post is jumbled but it's just an update. I'm heading down to Jersey in the morning, then I have a week of graduations, going to help the Cuz move out of her dorm, and meeting up with friends.

I'll probably be posting more than ever once I get to Jersey.

I hope I get to test for my black belt this time. Fingers crossed!

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