Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Pennies and Cents
New Zealand is getting rid of its five cent coin. It's true. Read the story here while the link is valid. The 1 and 2 cent coins were phased out in 1989.

I've heard many people talk about wanting to get rid of the penny. Yes, having a pocketful of pennies is like carrying around dead weight. (Although, when I was a kid, I could get a piece of candy -- swedish fish! -- at the store for like 3 cents.) But it's sort of a slippery slope, this getting rid of pennies. You get rid of the penny and then it's the nickel that's just loose change, that you walk away from. Like tonight, I bought something at the store and it was $1.99 and I walked away without the penny. Partly b/c it's a penny, and partly b/c I don't want to be the skinflint that stands around waiting for a penny. If we get rid of the penny, I'll walk away from 5 cents change and then there will be agitation to get rid of the five cent piece. Pretty soon, there won't even be quarters and my laundry will cost $2 a load instead of $1.25. Although admittedly, they have $1 and $2 coins in New Zealand, so maybe the Kiwis walk around with more change in general.

It's too cold to be thinking.

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