Friday, December 02, 2005

health matters
I am, generally speaking, a healthy person. Except for that year when I was working with kids on a daily (and I mean 6-7 days / week) basis, I get about 1-2 colds a season. I haven't had extensive medical care for any serious conditions, and I'm generally pretty good at letting illnesses run their course.

However, I currently seem to be suffering from something, or a bunch of somethings. I thought it was allergies, but now it's more like a cold or flu. Then I got a hangover (which yes, is a self-imposed medical condition of sorts), but it seems to have turned into food poisoning and a perpetual headache. I still seem to have some nausea and general gastro-intestinal discomfort, and today the dizzy spells have set in with some force. Also, [TMI ALERT! TMI ALERT!] I found some disconcerting bodily fluids in my BMs the other day...[END ALERT.]

I know I watch too many medical shows and am turning into a bit of a hypochondriac in my old age, but I'm worried. I'm not really stressed from finals, no more than usual, and I've never reacted to stress with anything more than a few zits and an over-zealous appetite. And I'm still staying somewhat active, although less intense than normal b/c of a lack of time and energy from the above symptoms.

If it turns out I have a tapeworm or Ebola, you heard it here first, folks.

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