Tuesday, September 14, 2004

T. I hate the T. It is a slow, inefficient way to get around town. Actually, when it runs well, it runs really well. But when the undergrads are here, it's crowded and slow. Above ground, where there aren't turnstiles, you have to pay only when going in-bound towards downtown, which is the direction I live. Only the front door of each car opens, because that's where the driver monitors that every person pays. Well, if you enter through the front, you tend to stay in the front, and the rear tends to be empty. So if the front is crowded, the driver sometimes won't let you on because there seems to be no room. But inevitably, the rear is empty and no matter how much the driver reprimands the passengers to move to the back, everyone looks around like he or she is excluded from that request. I was turned away from a T yesterday that was nearly empty and it took me 45 minutes to get home. That ain't right!

This city will never be like NY. In NY, they just pack the people on. Of course, this means I've also been more intimate with strangers on the subway than I have with guys I've dated. (Have I dated? I guess that's irrelevant to this rant.) Maybe this city doesn't want to be like NY, but my point is that it never COULD be.

In other news, did you know that the US has a cricket team and it played Australia at the Rose Bowl the other day? here is a story from the BBC as proof. Umm...Didn't we have the revolutionary war so we wouldn't have to play cricket and have tea as our national beverage and pretty much just disavow all things British? Is it any surprise then that the US team is getting whomped by everyone? And are American cricket players failed MLB players? who knows. I don't have time to investigate. I have to study.

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