Wednesday, September 29, 2004

i am cool

1. i had yellow galoshes in college and that was over five years ago. remember that when you see all the kids walking around in their galoshes, thinking they're all cool.

2. i saw a girl wearing a giant green wool hat and green mittens. that girl is gonna have the shock of her life in february.

3. i bought an 8-pack of paper towels at target the last time we went and i realized the other day, when i had a chance to finally use one of those rolls, that i picked a pack of inspirational ones. you know, like may peace be with you and god is good or something like that. now, i'm not against god. it's just that these things make me feel like laura bush. and i would kill myself if i was married to w.
(in response, my friend replied: And don't you feel sorta bad using your inspirational
paper towels to, oh, I don't know, mop up grease spills or clean up smashed bug guts?)

4. i got cold-called for the first real time in contracts today. and i was sooooo nervous! it was like as soon as he called my name the adrenaline kicked in. and lately, i've been having a hard time understanding class. something to do with offers. i just don't really get it.

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