Thursday, September 23, 2004

embarassing law moment #3
tonight, my facult advisor had us over for dessert. they live in this huge house in brookline that has to be worth millions. my advisor and his wife are older, sort of crunchy, definitely democrats, and really cool. i even showed up half an hour early because i was confused about the start time. anyways, i had to leave early because i had more dessert to eat with other people and i stood up and said, professor, thank you but i have to go. and he jokes, oh so you eat my dessert and run? and i said, yeah, we should do it again sometime! and he was like, oh yeah, we can... and then i was embarassed because i thought he thought i was inviting us over. and then i wanted to explain myself so i thought i'd use sarcasm. "yeah, i'm just going to start inviting myself over to your house." there was an awkard pause ... a moment during which he considered whether i was joking ... a moment during which i realized i had inserted my foot further down my gullet... ahh, law school is off to an auspicious beginning!

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