Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Medical Inconvenience

The largest cold sore(s) of my life have erupted on my lips. This generally wouldn't be a problem except that (1) it looks like aliens are procreating on my face and (2) I'm supposed to go down to Jersey this weekend with the boy and go for a 42-mile bike ride and spend the weekend at his grandparents with his mom, uncles, etc. Way to rock the good impression.

In other medical inconveniences, I decided to skip the sugar pill a few weeks ago because I was going to be in NYC for my birthday sharing a hotel room with three people, etc. etc. Well, instead of getting my period that weekend in NYC, I've gotten my period for the last two weeks. Every time I think it stops, it starts up again.

I think the two problems are related. Either way, they're EXTREMELY inconvenient. But no, KS, I'm not pregnant.

Update on the bikini-mission: Things went pretty well last week. I even went for a 14-mile bike ride on Saturday with the boy as training for this weekend. Things sort of fell apart Saturday night at a birthday bbq, and then on Sunday, when I thought the gym closed later than 7. Otherwise on course. Now, if only I could actually find a nice bathing suit...

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