Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A Vomiting of Thoughts
I just got back from my second taekwondo class at the new school. Scoped out the competition team training, which looks good and intense. I think I might like it. If I ever get around to going. Things are only going to get busier as the month progresses. And by busy, I mean I'm going to spend more time sitting on my ass in front of this computer.

In taking a nearly two year hiatus from taekwondo (those sporadic practices with the university team don't count), I have forgotten something about taekwondo. And that is: just how type A taekwondoists can be. Sure, I should be used to them, since I'm in law school and all. But it's different. And the same, at the same time. I guess there aren't as many type A people in taekwondo as there are in law school. I mean, in law school, 100% of the people are type A. In taekwondo ... well, it's less. But when they're type A, they're really type A. Oh I was this super awesome black belt and back home in no man's land I was so awesome and blah blah blah blah blah. Blah. Blech. Type a-ers. Type a-ers who do the accomplishment-dropping like it's going out of style. Can't live with 'em. And you can't leave yourself at home.

Oh, excuse me, mmmf, I'm feeling another thought come up...

So there's this girl I know from school and it's weird, but every time she pipes in on my private life, it totally throws me for a loop. I think it's because I really respect her opinion and she often points out the negative of what's going on. Hmph. I think that's all I'm going to say.

I'm sweaty and need a shower and a second dinner.

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