In Preparation About six weeks ago, the firm I'm working for this summer sent me their dress code. Since then, I've kind of been freaking out that I'm not going to have anything to wear or will show up to work dressed inappropriately. No, I'm not going to go to work in a tube top, flip flops and nylon running pants, but I don't want to appear unprofessional. I also haven't dressed up for work on a daily basis in ... crap, 3.5 years. When I graduated from graduate school, Dec. 2002. Crikey! Clearly, I'm not counting the year I taught taekwondo, b/c wearing a uniform that's as comfortable as pajamas doesn't count as dressing up. And I'm also not counting the 10 days I worked at Target. Because I like to pretend that didn't happen.
Anyway. My closet is full of flip-flops and t-shirts and crazy skirts. So I've been working on stocking my wardrobe while studying for finals and such. Oh, the glorious internet! In addition to clothes, I decided to buy myself a nice bag to bring to work, because I hate the one I used for interviews, and a dirty, ratty messenger bag seems inappropriate. So I bought, from
eBags ...
That's my crappy camera phone for ya. Anyways, it's hot. So hot, the bag came with a bag. That's the gray smudge in the background. Except, I think the bag-for-the-bag doesn't serve its purpose if it comes INSIDE the bag.
In other news ...
I was walking to taekwondo class from the t station and there was this very cute little boy, about four or five, handing out flyers. His dad was standing right next to him, but the kid, he extended a card out to me and asked in his cute little voice, "Do you want one?" How could I resist?! Sure, I said, Thank you! I looked at it ... it was for a psychic. Hmph. I felt kinda jipped. But as I was walking away, he exclaimed in his whispery excited voice, "She took one!"