Wednesday, May 30, 2007


For the second day in a row, I am up very very late, even though I am very very tired. The routine has become: get into bed, read a few pages of my book, get drowsy, turn off light, and then, a few minutes later, become wide awake again because there are a million things running through my mind. Some of them have to do with the boy (it's bothering me that I can't stop thinking about him) but most of them have to do with how much I have to do. Study for bar exam. Pack. Move. Complete closing. Pick paint colors. Sell furniture. Get condo insurance. Make phone calls to people / friends I have lost touch with in the last three years. Maintain friendships that I made in the last three years. Figure out the meaning of life. Exercise / take care of my personal health. Speaking of personal health, I am disturbed that everything I eat gives me serious stomach pains. I thought it was stress, but it comes and goes. I thought I was allergic to bell peppers, but that comes and goes. Maybe it's stress. I have no idea. But I've gone through a bottle of Peptol-Bismol in less than a week. Oh, and that's another thing I have to do - get to student health. Sigh.

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