Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Sad, Sad Day

This is a picture from the LA Times of people cheering Prop 8 results. The picture does not indicate which results they were cheering, but given the results, I'm going to guess that these people are closed-minded, bigoted, fear- and hate-mongering, hypocritical, awful people who purport to believe in the same God as I, but are horribly, horribly wrong about that God.

My BFF and his HUSBAND are no longer married. Overnight. Like that. Taken away by these people who have no right to do such things. Taken away by miserable people whose own lives are probably unhappy so they must rain misery down on others.

If it were a certain time and if I were a certain type of person, i.e. more like them, I'd hunt these people down and kill them. That's how awful this is. I'd be happy with the ability to slap a few Californians upside the head right now. Unbelievable.


1 comment:

Melvin Ming said...

Sometimes can't make heads or tails of Cali. On one hand quite progressive and on the other so reactionary and lame. This was sad. Hopefully an Obamanal Revolution will bring winds of change everywhere.