Monday, April 02, 2007

Shine Shine Shine

This past weekend was the law school softball tournament at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. There is a lot to say, there is a lot I felt, but mostly, there are a lot of bruises.

From the guy who drove his two cleats into my two ankles, to the balls I didn't catch and bounced into my shins b/c I was afraid of the batter swinging his bat into my un-helmeted head, to the countless times I bumped into the arm rests on our bus, to general klutzyness, to the ball I dropped on my eye...

Yes, I dropped a ball on my eye, which made me drop to the ground. There was some intense pain. "Let us see if you're ok." Tentatively I remove my arms from my head. "Am I bleeding?" "No." "OK, then I'll be ok." And I am. But look!

I had always wanted a black eye. It had been a dream. I'm somehow feeling less than satisfied. It is more purple today then yesterday, when I took this picture.

I am wrecked. More later.

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