Wednesday, August 02, 2006

That Was Short-Lived ...

That Was Short Lived

Let's face it. This is me. How long can I go without talking about my personal life and the slightest nuances of my stupid little thoughts? Apparently, one post.

This "recovery" business is one step forward two steps back. Nah, more like two steps forward, one step back.

Today, something clicked. I think I'm over the hump and on the downhill towards recovery and not slogging my way uphill, risking sliding backwards. Into hell.

I'm drunk and just came home from a somewhat awkward date where he would not stop talking about cute girls and then made me talk about the Boy. Argh! Seriously? Who goes on a pseudo-date or date or whatever it was and talks about cute girls in his life that he tries to flirt with?!?! I've been on that ride before and it made me sick and I had to get off.


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