Monday, February 06, 2006

Mumble, Mumble
It arrived over a week ago. I'm not pregnant yet, but I did take my very first pic, of a new box of tea I was very excited to try:

Yes, I am a digital photographer, officially. No more grainy photos on my camera phone.

I'd really like to share photos of these teeny spiders that have taken over my basil plants. They spin their webs around the tops of my plants, and my plants turn yellow and weak. I am not happy. First, because it does seem in fact that I cannot grow things. Second, I hate creepy crawly things.

In other news, I seem to be awash in men who are kinda interested in me but either live four states or four continents away. No joke. It's probably b/c they don't really see me and have no idea how fat I indeed have become. Seriously, there's nothing like a man looking you up and down and saying "you're kinda pretty" to knock your self-esteem down a notch. On top of the fact that you are indeed fat.

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